On Friday 15th March, employees of Netherlands Office went to a nearby elderly home to do some volunteering work. The first task they tackled was cleaning the garden, which they completed in a morning and afternoon shift. They were then invited to spend time with the elderly who suffer from dementia. The team assisted the staff with serving coffee and making fruit salads with the elderly. One of the ladies whined that she couldn’t cut the fruits because she is left handed. It turned out to be her lucky day as one of the Netherlands team told her he brought his special cutting tool for left handed people. This brought about lots of laughter and they had plenty of stories to share with the team. The residents especially liked the fact that they got double the number of cookies they normally get, as it was Cockett’s 40th Anniversary! Another member of the Netherlands team turned on some music and got a few 90-year-old dancing ladies on their feet.
It was an eye-opening experience for the Netherlands staff as it put life into perspective; as whilst employees are working in the office, there are people in dire need of attention. Those participating in the Cockett Cares initiative became more conscious about the needs of the elderly and how just giving the residents a few minutes of attention a day, creates such a positive impact on their week. The smile on their faces is something the team says they will never forget. 
The team was so grateful for the opportunity afforded to them to spend time with the elderly and left wiser with many life lessons learnt from the experience, the most important one being, to value and care for those around us.
For the Netherlands team, the Cockett Cares initiative was a once in a lifetime experience.
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